Outside of the relationship of a knowledgeable, caring adult with kids - none of it actually matters.

HuGE Procedures & Expectations

Class starts with a map opener - 12 minutes.

Attendance is taken 1 minute after bell rings. You will not be counted tardy if in the room before that time. However, you may not complete the opener extra credit and your group's openers are collected first.

There is a participation grade for this class. It is biweekly and graded according to the rubric. You are given 50 points extra credit for punctuality. Each pass costs 10 pts. Each tardy is 10 points incremental. For example: 1st = 10, 2nd = 20, 3rd = 30, etc. So on the 5th tardy, you will have lost 150 points.

Class ends with a closer to be determined in class.